09.03.2024 – 23.06.2024

-162 °C, 450 kg/m³

Fossil Energy, Fragile Futures

Foto: Edward Greiner

For overseas transportation, natural gas must be cooled down to -162°C, liquefied and compressed to a density of 450kg/m³. The different materials and substances that play a role in energy production stand front and centre in the exhibition -162°C, 450kg/m³ – Fossil Energy, Fragile Futures. It explores ongoing dependence on fossil fuels, environmental devastation, and the urgent question of securing a liveable future for everyone.

Wilhelmshaven is currently a locus of German “energy security”, which is being tackled at an unprecedented speed labelled Deutschlandgeschwindigkeit. It was here that, in 2022, Germany’s first terminal for importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) opened, and thus far it has been receiving shipments primarily from the US. This LNG terminal forms the prelude to a series of infrastructure projects intended to turn the region into a future energy hub. These are accompanied by massive incursions into the local environment and ecosystems, parts of which are protected by conservation law.

Through the medium of photography, textiles, drawing, sculpture, installations, videos, and books, the works in the exhibition examine the use of natural gas, oil, and coal and show forms of resistance to energy projects that are harmful to both the environment and the climate. From mythical tales, to holes in the earth, to glowing rocks, the exhibition also explores post-mining landscapes and resource extraction. Lithium, for example, is becoming increasingly significant in the “energy transition” as a raw material for batteries.

In addition to the exhibition, and in cooperation with local partners, there will be performances, talks, and guided excursions. A bilingual catalogue is in the works.

Artists: Ayọ̀ Akínwándé, Ana Alenso, Andrew Castrucci, Marjolijn Dijkman, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Sonja Hornung & Daniele Tognozzi, Pepa Ivanova, Susanne Kriemann, Bram Kuypers, Rachel O’Reilly, Oliver Ressler, Miriam Sentler und Joel Sherwood Spring

Partners: BUND Kreisgruppe Wilhelmshaven, Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord, NABU Wilhelmshaven, Netzwerk Energiedrehscheibe

Curator: Lena Johanna Reisner

Funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation). Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media).

Installation views

Alle Fotos: Edward Greiner

Marjolijn Dijkman, Earthing Discharge #1–#3, 2019
C-Print auf Papier, gerahmt, jeweils 110 x 90 cm

Susanne Kriemann, Wilde Möhre, Falsche Kamille, Bitterkraut, 2016
Fotogramm, Siebdruck mit Pigmenten aus Wilder Möhre, Falscher Kamille, Bitterkraut und Gessenboden, 190 x 220 cm

vorne: Andrew Castrucci, Fracktured Lives, 2010-2020, kollektives Buch und Poster Projekt, 177 Künstler:innen und Autor:innen, 50 Siebdruck Plakate und silkscreen, 36 Seiten Text, 53 x 61 x 2,5 cm, Ed. 50, publiziert von dirty graphics,©️ Andrew Castrucci and artists (ARS) artists rights society 2023
links: Rachel O’Reilly, INFRACTIONS, 2019, Videoinstallation, geteilter Bildschirm, Farbe und Ton, 60 Minuten

Miriam Sentler, Fossil Fuel Mnemosyne, 2022
Wandteppich aus Jacquard-Gewebe, Merinowolle und Baumwolle, 350 x 175 cm

vorne links: Sonja Hornung, Sperre 1C, 2024, Installation mit handgenähtem Ganzkörperanzug und Schlagschutzhandschuh (synthetische Stoffe, Hi-Vis-Gewebe, Reißverschlüsse, Ösen, Elektroklebeband, Leder, Gewicht)
hinten rechts: Oliver Ressler, The path is never the same, 2022, 4K Video, Farbe und Ton, 27 Minuten

vorne: Ayọ̀ Akínwándé, Ogoni Cleanup, 2020, 2-kanalige Videoperformance, Farbe und Ton, 3:44 min, Still, Courtesy the artist
hinten Mitte: Ana Alenso, Medusa’s Fossil Addiction, 2021, kinetische Skulptur

Sonja Hornung & Daniele Tognozzi, In a home with no inside and no outside, how do you clean? (Detail), 2024 Tuschezeichnungen auf Büttenpapier, Digitaldrucke, Bänder, Reißzwecken, Texte, Wandzeichnung

hinten: Miriam Sentler, links: Fossil Fuel Mnemosyne, 2022; rechts: Mining Myths, 2023, Wandteppiche aus Jacquard-Gewebe, Merinowolle und Baumwolle, jeweils 350 x 175 cm
vorne: Ana Alenso, Medusa’s Fossil Addiction, 2021, kinetische Skulptur

Pepa Ivanova, links: Picturing Earth's Light (PEL), 2020–2021, Maßgefertigte LED-Bildschirme, jeweils 12,5 x 67 cm
rechts: GRISP (Grasping the Invisible Sun Data), Fictional Observation Series, 2017, Zeichnung auf Monotypie-Siebdruck, Serie, jeweils 42,5 x 30 cm

Joel Sherwood Spring, DIGGERMODE, 2022, Zwei-Kanal-Videoinstallation, Farbe und Ton, 28:50 Minuten

Außeninstallation zur Ausstellung FOSSILE ENERGIE, FRAGILE ZUKUNFT
Pelagié Gbaguidi, Hunger, 2022, digitaler Druck auf Fahnen, jeweils 120 x 300 cm

Bram Kuypers, Wind Turbine with Withered Blades, 2024, Skulptur und Modell, Holz, Silikon, Stahl, Schaumstoff, Acrylglas und Elektronik, 65 x 45 x 150 cm

Ana Alenso, Medusa’s Fossil Addiction, 2021, kinetische Skulptur
