Monica Bonvicini, Mississippi 2014, 2016
Tempera und Sprühfarbe auf Fabriano-Papier auf Leinwand kaschiert
199 x 307 cm
© Monica Bonvicini and VG Bild-Kunst
Courtesy the Artist and Capitain Petzel, Berlin
Photo: John McKenzie
Wild, destructive, exhilarating, unbridled and brimming with energy: Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven is devoting itself with the theme of the storm to a meteorological phenomenon that plays a very special role on the North Sea coast. »Oh clouds, oh storms, oh winds ...« brings works of art to Wilhelmshaven that deal with or are directly exposed to storms: paintings, videos, sound installations, wind sculptures, weather vanes, and a storm siren invite visitors to experience the full force of nature – both indoors and outdoors.
A loosely laid out art trail leads from the town hall via the Kunsthalle to the coast and invites visitors to discover artworks created especially for the exhibition. Audio experiences featuring the storm in art, literature, science and music accompany the works along the way. In the Kunsthalle itself one sees winds gnawing at the flag of the USA, encounters the offshore wind farms near Heligoland and scenes of devastation wreaked by hurricanes, gets caught up in the dialogue between two wind socks, and can experience a musical storm composition with every fibre of one’s body.The ›calm before the storm‹ holds sway over the Kabinett: here, works from the municipal collection and the Graphothek, together with music, literature and East Frisian tea invite visitors to linger while wintry winds blow around the Kunsthalle.
Artists: Katja Aufleger I Robert Barry I James Benning I Céline Berger I Monica Bonvicini I Liza Dieckwisch I Julia Gruner I Hans van Koolwijk I Kaffe Matthews I Dennis Oppenheim I Marie Pietsch I Simon Ringelhan I Ursula Sax I Adrien Vescovi
and works from the Wilhelmshaven Municipal Collection & Graphotek
Ausstellungsansicht, Kunst im Sturm, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, 2023
Im Bild Werke von Hans van Koolwijk, Adrien Vescovi, Katja Aufleger und Monica Bonvicini
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Hans van Koolwijk, Howl, 2023
Installation mit Gebläse, Computer, Schläuchen, Wetterballons und handgefertigten Bambusflöten
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Außenstation der Ausstellung "Oh clouds, oh storms, oh winds ... KUNST IM STURM"
mit Fahnen von Liza Dieckwisch und Julia Gruner, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven
Foto: Imke Zwoch
Julia Gruner, Sturmhaut, 2023
2 ähnliche Unikate, Acrylfarbe, Leinwand, Druckknöpfe, ca. 130 x 35 x 20 cm
Courtesy Julia Gruner, VG-Bildkunst 2023
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Katja Aufleger, SHY OBJECT (panicking siren), 2023
Glas, Stahl, Steuerung, Motor, ca. 150 x 70 x 70 cm
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Hans van Koolwijk, Sturmglocke, 2023
Holzgerüst mit Glocke und Holz- und Bleikugeln
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Oh clouds, oh storms, oh winds ... KUNST IM STURM
Werke von Julia Gruner und Liza Dieckwisch am Helgoland-Kai, Wilhelmshaven
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Simon Ringelhan, I will always keep the light on, watching you fade, 2023
Abdeckplane, Schutznetze, Sturmheringe, verschiedene bestrichene Aquarellpapiere, Tageslicht, Wind, 307 x 409 cm
Ursula Sax, Windskulpturen, 1989
Aufstellung vor dem Palast der Republik, Berlin, verschiedene Größen
Foto: Ursula Sax, Courtesy by the artist and Semjon Contemporary
Simon Ringelhan, Zwischen Erregung und Benommenheit TT2 (Variation), 2023
Hissflagge aus Lochfilet-Fahnenstoff, 350 x 150 cm
Foto: Simon Ringelhan
Liza Dieckwisch, Cheese clouds, 2023
Druck auf Flaggenstoff, Silikon, Pigment, Acryl, Wolle, 3 x ca. 120 x 600 cm
Foto: Jenny Rosentreter
Kaffe Matthews, sands, 2023
A sound work for 14 speakers, vibrating platform and a room.
Made by Kaffe Matthews with the ELKA electric accordion organ and Arturia Microbrute
analogue synthesiser for the Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, September-November 2023.
sands is composed around the fundamental frequency at which the sand dunes of
Khongoryn Els, Gobi desert, Mongolia resonate. Discovered on a research trip enabled by
MCASA and the Goethe Institute, 2023.
For audience to experience through their bodies as well as their ears.